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Writer's pictureAbby Liebenthal

It's all about confidence, baby

If you read any self-help golf books, you'll quickly see some sort of commentary about golf being 80 percent mental, the rest being luck and skill. We'd argue there's probably more to it, but confidence certainly helps. Golf teaches me to be confident before I take my stance at every shot and to take that mindset into other parts of my life - a meeting I'm hosting or even making a cold call for a new FTL venue.

But we're human and need some reminders or coping mechanisms to encourage that confidence. Before and while I play golf, some of my go-to tricks include:

  • Arriving early to practice before a round. I'll likely feel warmed up, just like when I prepare for a presentation.

  • Wearing our favorite golf outfit. It's just science, we can't explain it.

  • Listening to a high energy playlist while warming up and on the course. Taylor Swift's Era's Tour setlist anyone?

  • Giving out compliments. It makes me feel better to make other people feel confident and sets an overall tone.

  • Celebrating the small wins. Kept my drive in the fairway? Great. LFG.

  • Brushing off the misses and moving on to the next shot. Is this easier said than done? Yes. But If you can, it's going to help you focus on the future shot rather than dwell on the negative.

Fore the Ladies followers also gave us some great ideas:

  • Consider golf course etiquette and my peers are happy with me so I'm happy -Chelsea

  • Golf books! Learning that no one cares about your score and to just enjoy the game -Christina

  • Look around see that other people aren't always as good as they seem!! -Meredith

  • Stick to my routine -Neus

  • Meditate before so I'm calm -Bridget


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